Bird Watching

Perenjori offers a great range of habitats for bird watching and is famous for its wide selection of native birds, including the elusive Bush Turkey, Wedge-tailed Eagle and endangered Mallee Fowl. Apart from the many species of parrots and cockatoos, look out for Thornbills, Zebra Finches, Honeyeaters, Babblers and Fairy Wrens.
You’ll be surprised at the variety of water birds that follow the rain inland. It’s not uncommon to see black swans nesting on small lake islands. Look closely for native fauna, being careful not to disturb the habitats of numerous rare and diverse animals. Declining in numbers, the Western Spiny-tailed Skink, is one of very few skinks to demonstrate communal living. Relocation programs are being implemented to increase their population.
Surprisingly high numbers of water birds seasonally inundate the dryer inland areas, highlights being Black Tailed Native Hens, Pink-eared Ducks and Red-kneed Dotterels. Areas of mulga scrub are home to such birds as the Mallee Fowl, Bush Turkey, Mulga Parrot, Black Honeyeater, Redthroat and Masked Woodswallow.
Stands of larger trees such as Salmon Gums are frequented by the larger parrots, such as Western Corella, Red Tailed Black Cockatoos and Pink and Grey Galahs. Other notable species to be found in the local bush land are White Fronted Honey Eater, White Browed Babblers, Splendid and Variegated Fairy Wrens and inland, Chestnut-rumped, and Yellow-rumped Thornbills.
The Short Billed Black Cockatoo can still be found breeding in areas where remnant vegetation stands have been conserved.
There are plenty of opportunities for the budding ornithologists to birdwatch in the Shire of Perenjori – perhaps some of the best spots being: Camel Soak, Caron Dam and Charles Darwin Reserve. A birding trip in association with outstanding wildflowers will prove a rewarding and relaxing experience.